2015 TBR Challenge – MOON OVER MANIFEST Review

2015tbrbuttonMy seventh review for the Official 2015 TBR Pile Challenge is MOON OVER MANIFEST by Clare Vanderpool.

The goal of this challenge is “to finally read 12 books from your ‘to be read’ pile within twelve months”. To qualify for the challenge, books must be read and reviewed before the year is over, and all selections must have publishing dates from the year 2013 or older. (Here are the books I’ll be reading this year.)

I first heard Clare Vanderpool speak at the SCBWI LA Summer Conference a few years ago. When she gave the keynote address, she discussed the universal need for stories. She said, “We learn more not by dissecting books but by immersing ourselves in stories. We all have this need for a connection to story. It is through stories that we find our bearings.”

I loved that.

This belief really comes across in her own writing – connection and emotion. After all, if I don’t feel something as a reader, I’m not going to care about the story.

Needless to say, I did feel and I did care.

On to the Review!

PDF Creation in Quark 7MOON OVER MANIFEST by Clare Vanderpool

Published by: Delacorte Books for Young Readers

Release Date: October 12, 2010

Genres: Middle Grade, Historical Fiction, Mystery

Plot Summary:

The movement of the train rocked me like a lullaby. I closed my eyes to the dusty countryside and imagined the sign I’d seen only in Gideon’s stories: Manifest—A Town with a rich past and a bright future.

Abilene Tucker feels abandoned. Her father has put her on a train, sending her off to live with an old friend for the summer while he works a railroad job. Armed only with a few possessions and her list of universals, Abilene jumps off the train in Manifest, Kansas, aiming to learn about the boy her father once was.
Having heard stories about Manifest, Abilene is disappointed to find that it’s just a dried-up, worn-out old town. But her disappointment quickly turns to excitement when she discovers a hidden cigar box full of mementos, including some old letters that mention a spy known as the Rattler. These mysterious letters send Abilene and her new friends, Lettie and Ruthanne, on an honest-to-goodness spy hunt, even though they are warned to “Leave Well Enough Alone.”
Abilene throws all caution aside when she heads down the mysterious Path to Perdition to pay a debt to the reclusive Miss Sadie, a diviner who only tells stories from the past. It seems that Manifest’s history is full of colorful and shadowy characters—and long-held secrets. The more Abilene hears, the more determined she is to learn just what role her father played in that history. And as Manifest’s secrets are laid bare one by one, Abilene begins to weave her own story into the fabric of the town.

Powerful in its simplicity and rich in historical detail, Clare Vanderpool’s debut is a gripping story of loss and redemption. (Plot summary from Goodreads.)

The setting and the voice of this story were just fantastic. I love the way Vanderpool weaved the past in with Abilene’s present so seamlessly. You felt her heartache with the absence of her father, and you felt that same heartache for the town that had lost so much years before. The way Abilene’s journey through the past leads to her own understanding and to the town beginning to heal itself is rich and beautiful – just what you’d expect from a Newbery winner.

Learn more about Clare Vanderpool here.


SCBWI Oklahoma Twitter Chats



Fall is just around the corner and so is our SCBWI Oklahoma Fall Retreat. To get everyone in the mood for the retreat, and to help us get to know some of our retreat faculty, we are hosting several Twitter chats over the next month, beginning this Tuesday, August 25th.

TweetEach Twitter chat will be from 7-8pm CST, using the hashtag #okscbwichat.


Here is our Twitter Chat Line-Up:

Christa HeschkeAugust 25  from 7:00 PM – 8:00 PM CST 

Christa Heschke – Agent with McIntosh & Otis, Inc. and Off-Site Critiquer for Fall Retreat.  Her Twitter username is @ChristaHeschke. Use the hashtag #okscbwichat.

Christa has been at McIntosh and Otis, Inc. in the Children’s Literature Department since 2009 where she is actively looking for picture books, middle grade, and young adult projects. She is a fan of young adult novels with a romantic angle, and strong, quirky protagonists. Within YA, Christa is especially interested in contemporary fiction, horror and thrillers/mysteries. As for middle grade, Christa enjoys contemporary, humor, adventure, mystery and magical realism. For picture books, she’s drawn to cute, funny, character driven stories within fiction and is open to non-fiction with a unique hook.

UPDATE 8/28/15: If you missed this chat, you can view the Storify version here: bit.ly/1NHGlhE

Emily FeinbergSeptember 1  from 7:00 PM – 8:00 PM CST

Emily Feinberg – Assistant Editor with Roaring Brook Press, and Off-Site Critiquer for Fall Retreat. Her Twitter username is @EmilyFeinberg. Use the hashtag #okscbwichat.

After graduating from college, Emily joined the editorial team at Roaring Brook Press where she has had the opportunity to work with artists and writers such as Laura Vaccaro Seeger, Jason Chin, Bagram Ibatoulline, Nick Bruel and Yuyi Morales, among others. Emily works mostly with picture book, middle grade and nonfiction titles. While she is always looking for solid, voice-driven picture books and middle grade, she also particularly loves nonfiction for young readers of all ages. Emily is not an editor of fantasy.

UPDATE 9/4/15: If you missed this chat, you can view the Storify version here: bit.ly/1EB4tB5


Janee TraslerSeptember 22nd  from 7:00 PM – 8:00 PM CST

Janee Trasler – Picture Book Author and Picture Book Track speaker at our Fall Retreat. Her Twitter username is @janeetrasler. Use the hashtag #okscbwichat.

Janee writes and illustrates clever  and funny picture books like the Chickies series, MIMI AND BEAR IN THE SNOW, CAVEMAN A.B.C. STORY, and BENNY’S CHOCOLATE BUNNY. She’s also been known to sing silly songs and play with puppets.

Learn more about Janee by visiting her website: www.trasler.com

UPDATE 9/22/15: If you missed this chat, you can view the Storify version here: bit.ly/1V8Bk7n


stacks_image_43September 29  from 7:00 PM – 8:00 PM CST

Tim Jessell – Illustrator and Fall Retreat Illustrator Track Instructor. His Twitter username is @timjessell. Use the hashtag #okscbwichat.

Tim illustrates the best seller series Secrets Of DroonDog DiariesAmare Stoudemire’s STAT, Stan Lee of Marvel Comics first children’s picture book, and covers for reissue of Zilpha Keatley Snyder’s Newbery Honor Books. He is also the author/illustrator of two picture books, Amorak and FALCON.

Learn more about Tim by visiting his website: www.timjessell.com

UPDATE 9/29/15: If you missed this chat, you can view the Storify version here: bit.ly/1j02FI8


And for those interested in attending our retreat, sign up now! There are fewer than 30 spots remaining for our fall retreat.

This two-day event, from Friday, October 9th through Saturday, October 10th, has specially designed tracks for illustrators, picture book writers, and novel writers built in to the programming. There will also be a first pages panel & discussion, and an entire day devoted to editing. (For full details, and to register for this event, visit the OK SCBWI website.)

TweetSee you on Twitter!
